The Northridge Earthquake occured on January 7, 1994, at 4:30pm. It had a strong magnitude of 6.7, the ground shaking was the highest ever recordered in the urban area in North America. There were at least 57 deaths, and there were over 8,700 injured because of this massive destruction. Causing an estimated $20 billion in damage, making it one of the most costliest natural destruction in U.S. History. With most of the damage in the San Fernando Valley. Most of the Apartments and the taller buildings were where the most of the jams were occurring during the earthquake. There was an outbreak of Valley Fever. A loss of transportation was lost, mostly Freeways because they were collapsed. Schools were closed down because of the damage of class rooms, not only did School Districts closed., some of the Universities as Well. Ex. (University of California, Los Angeles, Califronia State University, Northridge, & The University of Southern Califronia.) Alot of People and different things suffered fom this massive natural destruction. :/